Blood Drive

Great package design by Robert Williams from the Art Institute of California San Diego.
Problem: The act of giving blood is an uncomfortable process. Because of this it generally has low turnouts, especially among college students who are low on time and energy. ― Packaging of the World

Solution: Offering a free 2GB USB Thumbdrive to any student willing to donate blood is a cheap but more attractive alternative then the usual cookie or apple. Also, the USB's would serve as an educational tool and come equipped with a promotional video entitled, "Blood Circulation: The Story of Where Your Blood Goes From Here," detailing the story of how your blood donation will help others in need. After the video, the student will be able to share their donation and experience on Facebook and become part of a special group. ― Packaging of the World

I started donating blood at the University of TN during my freshman year. We had a fun annual rivalry with the University of KY to see which school would donate the most. It was a cool competition with a great cause, and the fact that I'd receive free blood, if ever needed, was one of my main factors in donating.

Fast forward, one of the last times I visited ATL, Lis and I went to a friend's home, whose mother is currently fighting liver cancer (which has, and is still affecting our own family). We caught up for an hour; and within that conversation, her mom told us that her blood type was rare to find (B+... which I have), and that she was waiting for a liver transplant that would fit her petite body (which mine would... except I need it). I couldn't help her directly, but from then on, I decided I would donate in her honor the next time I was eligible to give blood.

Today is the second time since the visit that I've donated blood with my friend's mom in mind. I didn't get a USB drive, but I did get juice and cookies, and the feeling that I helped a couple people out. With every donation you make, you could save up to 3 people's lives, receive free blood if ever needed, and get a free HIV/Hep/West Nile screening.

Just sayin... It's worth the time. Click here to see if you're eligible and make an appointment if you meet the requirements.


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